
Success Stories

The Activate.Reviews reputation management platform helps boost positive reviews for thousands of businesses across all industries. Here are just a few success stories.

Reproductions Inc.

Reproductions Inc. has been in business for 73 years and only had 43 total reviews. In less than 3 months, we’ve moved them to 176 total.

16 5-star reviews in 24 hours
64 5-star reviews in the first month


Reputation Management Case Study - Before Review Management


Boost Reviews - Reputation management success story

Oschmann Drug Screening

Oschmann Drug Screening had people leaving reviews complaining about having to perform drug tests, not the service of the facility. Our review funnel significantly reduced bad reviews and generated positive ones.

39 new positive reviews in the first month


eliminate bad reviews - online reputation management made easy


Boost your average review rating - online reputation management made easy

Madaras Gallery

Madaras already had a decent review rating and lots of reviews, but the management was tired of asking their staff to constantly ask for reviews. Madaras was able to get more reviews using our platform, without having to worry about it. Also, the reviews they had were mostly from last year and they knew they needed more recent ones for it to be effective.

64 new positive reviews in the first month


Reduce time generating new reviews - Activate Reviews


Save time generating new reviews - Activate Reviews

John R. Carson, DDS

John and his staff didn’t think Activate.Reviews was going to work for their practice, but as you can see, they received 46 new 5-star reviews in a very short period of time.

46 new positive reviews in the first month

Generate Positive Reviews Quickly

Arizona Business Equipment

Arizona Business Equipment’s reviews were non-existent prior to using our reputation management platform. We helped them obtain 25 new reviews for an increase of 2500%.

25 new reviews with an average 4.8-star rating

Generate new reviews
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Use our free review scan to generate an instant reputation report and see how your business appears on local review sites.